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Every athlete is different, no one program is going to fit the bill for everyone. With this in mind, we have multiple programs, and through those, we have the right program for you. Whether its group high intensity training (CrossFit or Unloaded), or you have specific personal goals (personal training), special populations (FXT Kids), higher level work ( Accessory work), Olympic Weightlifting (Barbell Club) or self-led (Open Gym), we have a program that will fit your needs.

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CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.

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Based on the same training concepts as CrossFit, Unloaded removes the higher level movements .

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Unlike group training (CrossFit, Unloaded, etc…) personal training is tailored directly to the individual.

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Functonal Access - Unlimited use of Functional Training room(gym). Non-coached.            

Why you should choose FXT?

Because our programs work. Our programs combine the key scientific elements (resistance and intensity) with proper dosing (volume, load, recovery), great coaching and a supportive community.

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